How to Stop User Enumeration in WordPress

There are a few ways to do this, basically we want to remove the ability for bots, or users, to visit our block and request an author archive page. If you’ve noticed a large number of requests to /?author=X in your logs, then you’re being hit by bots trying to do this. Here are a few approaches I’ve used, or would suggest, to combat this.
Option #1: In your Theme’s functions.php

The universal approach involves adding a small bit of code to your WordPress theme or plugin in order to re-direct malicious requests that attempt to enumerate users. Here’s a function I commonly use to do this:

* Block User Enumeration
function kl_block_user_enumeration_attempts() {
if ( is_admin() ) return;

$author_by_id = ( isset( $_REQUEST[‘author’] ) && is_numeric( $_REQUEST[‘author’] ) );

if ( $author_by_id )
wp_die( ‘Author archives have been disabled.’ );
add_action( ‘template_redirect’, ‘kl_block_user_enumeration_attempts’ );

Option #2: .htaccess Rules for Apache Servers

If your WordPress site is run on a server with Apache, then you can add the following rule to the .htaccess file in your installations root folder.

# Block Attempts to Enumerate WordPress Users
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/wp-admin [NC]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} author=\d
RewriteRule .* – [R=403,L]

MOST of the other htaccess approaches our there use a 301 redirect, but I suggest sending them to a 403 Forbidden response as suggested by WASP standards.
Option #3: Config Rules for nginx Servers

If your WordPress website is powered by nginx, then the following rule can be added to the location / { … } block of your WordPress sites’ *.conf file to send these requests to a 403 Forbidden error page, which seems appropriate.

# Block user enumeration
if ( $query_string ~ “author=([0-9]*)” ) { return 403; }

The full location block would then look something like this:

location / {
index index.php;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;

# Block user enumeration
if ( $query_string ~ “author=([0-9]*)” ) { return 403; }

